Sunlight hitting a wall

Personal Information Protection Policy

Kinkouroh, Home of Koran-no-yu ("Hotel" below),
recognizing the importance of protecting personal information in our information society,
has established the following policy regarding the handling of customer information.
The Hotel will make every effort to properly protect customer information in accordance with this policy,
and asks for understanding and cooperation in that endeavor.

1.Hotel's approach to protection of information
  • The Hotel will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations and handle such information appropriately. Additionally, it will strive to improve the handling of such information as appropriate.
  • The Hotel will clarify rules regarding the handling of personal information and ensure that all employees are aware of them. Additionally, it will request that its business partners handle personal information appropriately.
  • Upon collecting personal information, the Hotel will specify and notify or publicly announce the purpose of its use and handle personal information in accordance with that purpose.
  • The Hotel will take necessary measures to prevent the leakage, loss or falsification of personal information and manage it appropriately.
  • With respect to personal information in its possession, the Hotel will accept at the designated contact point requests for the disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of use, elimination and suspension of provision to third parties from the person concerned and respond to those requests in good faith.
  • Information on corporate customers, etc. will also be handled appropriately in accordance with the above in consideration of the purpose of use, public knowledge of the information, etc. and in compliance with related laws and regulations.
2.Customer Information


Purpose of use

In the course of its business operations, the Hotel may acquire customer information such as name, address, phone number, etc. ("Customer Information" below) when accepting various applications, etc. This information will be used for the purpose of sending products to the customer, providing information on products and services if the customer agrees to such use and preparing statistical data for the Hotel to use internally. Additionally, the Hotel may outsource part of its operations to subcontractors in order to facilitate the smooth operation of the aforementioned operations. In such cases, the Hotel may provide customer information to these subcontractors to the extent necessary, at which time it will enter into a contract with the subcontractors regarding the handling of such information and exercise appropriate supervision over the subcontractors.


Disclosure and provision to third parties

The Hotel will not disclose or provide customer information to third parties except in the cases described in "i. Purpose of use" or in any of the following cases:

  1. (1) When the person concerned has given consent
  2. (2) When disclosure or provision is required by law
  3. (3) When disclosure or provision is necessary for the protection of the life, physical well-being or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain customers' consent
  4. (4) When disclosure or provision is especially necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children and it is difficult to obtain customers' consent
  5. (5) When disclosure or provision is necessary for cooperating with national or local governments in the performance of their official duties and obtaining customer consent may impede the performance of such duties

If customers request the disclosure of their own information in the possession of the Hotel, the Hotel will respond to the request within a reasonable period of time and to a reasonable extent after confirming the identity of customers who made the request (or that of their representative).

4.Correction, Etc.

If customers wish to correct, add or delete their own information in the possession of the Hotel, if the information is inaccurate, the Hotel will correct, add or delete the information within a reasonable period of time and to a reasonable extent after confirming the identity of customers who made the request (or that of their representative).

5.Suspension of Use, Deletion and Suspension of Provision to Third Parties

If customers request that the Hotel suspend the use of, delete or suspend the provision to a third party of their own information in the possession of the Hotel, the Hotel will suspend the use of, delete or suspend the provision to a third party of such information within a reasonable period of time and to a reasonable extent after confirming the identity of customers who made the request (or that of their representative). In the event that it suspends the use of, deletes or suspends the provision to a third party of that information, the Hotel may not be able to provide requested services. The Hotel asks for understanding and cooperation regarding this matter (Please note that the Hotel may not be able to comply with requests for the suspension of use or deletion of information held in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.).

6.Method and Contact Point for Receiving Requests for Disclosure, Etc.

Requests for disclosure, etc., of customer information held by the Hotel as well as inquiries regarding the Hotel's handling of customer information will be accepted in the following manner. Please note in advance that the Hotel may not be able to respond to requests for disclosure, etc. that do not comply with this procedure.


Contents of Disclosure, Etc.

  • Based on this Privacy Policy, the Hotel has established internal regulations regarding the protection of personal information and has clearly indicated its policy regarding the handling of personal information to its directors, officers and employees, etc. in its efforts to protect the personal information of customers.
  • The Hotel will establish a system for internal audits to ensure that personal information is adequately protected.


Acceptance, Etc.

  1. (1) Contact point for acceptance: Acceptance via phone will be handled by the department that has customers' information. However, customers who do not know the phone contact information for that department are asked to contact the representative below. Acceptance via regular mail is conducted through the below contact point.
  2. (2) Acceptance procedures and response: After confirming the identity of customers (or that of their representative), the Hotel will respond in writing or by a method deemed appropriate by customers and the Hotel. Depending on the nature of the request, the Hotel may ask customers to submit a written application designated by the Hotel. Please note that it may take some time to reply.
Kinkouroh, Home of
Ibusuki's "Koran-no-yu" Hot Springs
4507 Nishikata, Ibusuki-shi, Kagoshima
891-0311 Japan
Tel. +81-993-22-3377